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Level 2 Female

 47 yrs old
Garden Grove, OC, CA
Registered Dec 10 2016
Released Dec 10 2016

25 blogs/10 comments
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1HotStrumpet's Blog Blogs about 1HotStrumpet 1192 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Apr 1 2023 11:12PM
I'm Unique Because...
I prefer to go against the grain, swim upstream and dare to be different. I refuse to be the typical sheeple like most are out there! I like to stand out in a crowd. I hold my head high when I feel Im somewhere I dont have any right being at and so out of place its obvious. I still walk in like I own the place. But at the end of the day Im me. I wouldnt want to be anyone but me cause its fun to be me. Makes people wonder and also be nervous and think hmmm... what is she smiling about?
I'd Like to Meet
I would have loved to have met Steven Hawking when he was alive. The world lost one of the most brilliant minds and that is a tragedy in and of itself.
Useless Daily Update!
We all know why we are here and what we are all looking for. I am in Santa Ana.IF you are ready to meet me PM me 1st on here and then shoot me a text (714)472-0745. LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU AND MEETING WITH YOU UPCLOSE AND PERSONAL.
Favorite Things
Well u asked for it... favorite things. Anything black in clothing. Black is my happy color. FX POINTS CAUSE I HAVE NONE RIGHT NOW! *hint,hint* Cleaning, I love to clean stuff! Laundry, call me crazy but I love to do laundry. Thrift store shopping for clothes. I can spend hours in a thrift shop clothes shopping. I love a good deal. Music, everywhere I go and everything I do including expressing how I am feeling I use music to be able to do that. And of course last but not least...Men! I do love men and what they can do for me and especially to me! Hehe!!
What Makes Me Laugh
This should be easy. People who underestimate me and think I'm a dumb blonde bimbo. I LOVE my haters! They make me snicker to myself. When old people get all fired up and mad then they start to cuss...I cant help it! I lose my shit every single time. And 1 joke that always got me going and still does after all these years. Whats red and bad for your teeth? A BRICK! Now stfu!! Not sure why that cracks me up every single time.
Shopping, coloring, dancing( I LOVE to dance), music, reading(Im a bookworm), naught toy store shopping( I love trying new toys, so fun), getting my nails done, food (trying new food places is awesome), endulging in sweets or doughnuts (love, Love, LOVE doughnuts), thrift store shopping( love a good deal) and numerous other things that list is way too long to mention. So I guess just ask me. NEW interest to add to the ever growing list. Learning about the 16 personality types. Im a INTJ-Introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging. That my MBTI score. Taken the test several times at different times. Always the same answer. If you are curious about it check out and see what your personality type is. Maybe learn something new about yourself.
I Have a Dream
Dreams, I think that when you stop dreaming you die a little inside. I have an endless list of dreams. Who knows if I will ever be able to accomplish them with the way the world is now that this pandemic has happened. I'm hoping that it will be done sooner than later. Thats my dream for now. To let things get back to normal without fear of others or even fear of going outside. I've been just living my life like it hasn't happened. I don't watch TV cause its full of bad news and I don't venture out into the world much if I don't have to. I have asthma and its not bad but from what I have been told I don't want to get the covid as it would be possibly the end of me. So I stay inside. So I would say that my current dream is for the covid to be over with and its various strains be eliminated so life as we know it can continue.